Monday, August 20, 2007
Learn how to, with one simple process, compare rates from top car insurance companies such as Progressive, Infinity, GMAC, AIG and more.
The reason we compare car insurance quotes from multiple car insurance companies is to make sure we‘re getting the best rates possible. Of course nobody wants to pay more money than they have to, but in the other hand we also want to make sure that our car insurance company is going to respond quickly and fairly in case of an accident.
What is unknown to many is that there is not one single car insurance company that is cheaper than others. One particular car insurance company can be the cheapest for one person but the most expensive for another. Each car insurance company has a certain category of drivers they want to insure. If you fit their category they will offer you a cheap rate, if you don’t, they will offer you an expensive rate. That is their way of filtering the people they want and do not want to insure. That is the reason we need to compare insurance rates from multiple car insurance companies, to find out which company will offer us the cheapest rate. The key is to find the company that offers the cheapest rate for you, but of course, it is important to compare rates from quality companies only.
There are many quality car insurance companies out there; however, some of those quality companies also have a high price to go along with them. How do we find a quality company for a cheap price? That, my friend, is the key question.
The traditional method of shopping for car insurance is to call around which we all know can be a long process. Another drawback of shopping for car insurance by phone is the probability of getting caught with the old “bait and hook” trick. That is when someone gives you a low quote by phone and hikes it up on you when you go into their office to purchase the car insurance policy.
In today’s world, luckily, we have the internet. The internet makes life a lot easier for all of us. Using the internet, we can shop for many types of things we may need which include shopping for car insurance.
Shopping for car insurance online is the best way to compare rates from multiple car insurance companies. Online, you can also read about a company’s history and make sure they’re a quality company. Most companies offer instant online car insurance quotes thorough their websites which makes obtaining car insurance quotes a lot easier than the traditional method of shopping by phone. Better yet, there are some websites that offer online car insurance quotes from multiple companies with one simple process. You can even purchase your car insurance online if you like the price. One such website is There, you can obtain quotes from quality companies such as Progressive, AIG, Infinity, GMAC, Bristol West, and several more. All with one simple process!
Insurance Agent Reveals His Secrets to Huge Savings on Auto Insurance
Insurance Agent Reveals His Secrets to Huge Savings on Auto Insurance
Hi Folks, my name is Cesar Diaz, I am an auto insurance broker in the state of California. I Operate two auto insurance agencies in California and an auto insurance website serving all United States. I have many years of experience as an auto insurance agent and broker and through the years, I have figured out all ways to save money on your auto insurance. I have decided to share my secrets to saving money on your auto insurance because I don't believe that it's fair for people to pay more money for their auto insurance just because they don't know that they're eligible for a certain discount or maybe because they don't know a certain discount even exists!I hope I don't get in trouble for sharing all my secrets but I feel it's only fair. (Maybe not for insurance companies but for the general public.) Insurance companies have enough money anyway! I believe insurance companies are among the wealthiest companies in the world. Why do you think that is? Thats because they rake in those expensive premiums that you pay for your auto insurance.Well, here are my secrets revealed; You might want to take some notes or even print this out that way the next time you obtain an auto insurance quote, you can reference this article and make sure you get all your available discounts.First of all, most companies will ask for basic information for the purpose of obtaining your auto insurance quote such as name, gender, date of birth, marital status, zip code, whether you have current or prior auto insurance, how long have you been licensed (driving experience), driving record history (tickets and accidents), commute distance to work and annual mileage, occupation and type of use (personal or commercial), make and model of vehicle, alarms and equipment on vehicle, and coverage desired.
When people obtain auto insurance quotes, they just answer the questions being asked by the representatives, but have no idea why the questions are being asked. What does being single or married have to do with getting an auto insurance quote? Well, all questions being asked will affect your rate. I am going to explain why all those questions effect your rate and I am going to tell you what answers will give you the best rate.I am simply going to tell you what answers will give you the best rates; however, I do not suggest giving false information when obtaining a quote. It is important to give accurate answers but at the same time, it is important to know what answers will give you the best rates because if you don't currently fall into the "low rate" categories, you might in the future and since you know, you will want to contact your insurance company to inform them of any changes that will help you save money.I am going to go step by step explaining each question asked by insurance agents and I will explain what answers give lowest rates.1. Gender- Most insurance companies offer cheaper rates for females due to statistics. Less accidents have resulted from females vs males. Could it be because most of the time, if a couple is in a vehicle, the male will usually drive? Could it be because a housewife will not have the usual commute a husband would have driving back and forth to work every day?2. Date of Birth- Roughly, the early ages will generate a higher cost for insurance. Rates will lower as a driver matures; however, rates increase again as a driver reaches the later years such as 60's and up.
3. Marital Status- Generally, a married driver will have a cheaper rate than a single driver. This, again, is due to statistics. Single drivers have a higher loss percentage. Could this be because a married couple have drive less than a single, more active driver? Some insurance companies will allow you to receive the married rate if you live with your "significant other" under common law marriage or they may give you the married rate if you are a single parent. Be sure to ask if you fall under any other the above categories. If you purchase your policy when you are single and get married midterm, be sure to contact your insurance company to get your "married rate".4. Zip Code- Zip codes do affect your rates. This again is based on statistics of a particular city. Some cities may be congested with traffic and may have more accidents than others. Some cities may have more theft than others, ect. In general, the more a city is congested, the higher the rates are.5. Current or Prior Insurance- Some insurance companies will give you a discount if you have current insurance or have had an insurance policy recently cancel within the past 30 days. If you have had an insurance policy within the last 30 days, be sure to inform your insurance agent because most agents will not ask you unless you tell them.6. Driving Experience- The length of time you have been licensed is an important factor in determining a rate. There longer you've had your license, the cheaper your rate. If you have had a license in another state, be sure to include that in your driving experience. Even if you were licensed in another country, it can be used to add to your driving experience although proof may be required.7. Tickets and Accidents- Of course tickets and accidents affect your rate; however, tickets will not affect you until the violation is published on your driving record. Usually not until you go to traffic court or pay your violation. If you purchase your insurance policy before you go to court or pay your violation, it may not affect your rate until you renew your policy. (usually one year) As far as accidents go, there are three ways to rate an accident: At fault with injury, at fault with no injury, and not at fault. They all produce different rates in the order listed from highest to cheapest. If you were at fault, but there was less that $750.00 of damage, you may be able to list it as non-fault so be sure to let them know.10. Commute distance to work and annual mileage- There farther you drive to work, the more expensive your auto insurance may be. If you carpool or use alternative methods of commuting to work such as a work vehicle or you take a bus, be sure to inform your agent because this will help lower your rates.11. Occupation and vehicle use- Occupation will affect your rate. Some occupations are even unacceptable by insurance companies. One such occupation is pizza delivery. Since most pizza delivery drivers are on a time restraint, insurance companies see it as a high risk occupation and will decline coverage. Some occupations will be acceptable but may classify your vehicle use as "commercial" or "artesian" use which will generate a high premium. One example is a real estate agent. A real estate agent drives during work vs. a machine operator stays in one location during work and is less exposed to an accident. An example of artesian use is an electrician using his vehicle to drive to work locations. Again, the electrician is using the vehicle during work and is more exposed to an accident. If you fall under the above categories but drive a company vehicle, you may be exempt from the extra cost of falling into those categories. On the good side, some auto insurance companies may give discounts for drivers with college degrees or if you are a student with a "B" or higher average you may qualify for a good student discount.12. Make and Model of Vehicle- Some vehicle are generally expensive to insure. One such vehicle is a Ford Mustang. Although it is fairly inexpensive to purchase, it can be expensive to insure due to its "sports" performance. It is a good idea to quote a vehicle for insurance before purchasing it as I have seen people have to return their vehicles because after purchasing the vehicle, they couldn't afford the auto insurance. Four door vehicle are usually a bit cheaper to insure than two door vehicles. Usually 4wd vehicle can be higher to insure vs. 2wd vehicles. High end vehicles such as BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Jaguar of course can be more expensive to insure than your average vehicle. Bottom line, quote the auto insurance before buying the vehicle.13. Alarms and Equipment- Auto insurance companies may offer discounts for vehicles with low jack or alarm systems. If your vehicle has one, be sure to let your agent know. Some companies will offer discounts for airbags and other safety features as well. 14. Other- There are other discounts that you can take advantage of. If you have more than one vehicle, be sure to insure them all on one policy to get your "multi-car" discount which can be 20% or more. If you are a home owner, some insurance companies can offer "home owner" discounts. If you have taken a driver's safety course you may be eligible for a discount as well. Also if you keep your vehicle parked in a locked garage over night, be sure to ask if you can get a discount.15. Online Auto Insurance- Many insurance companies offer Online Auto Insurance which can be less expensive than your traditional auto insurance policy purchased in an office location. This is because if you buy auto insurance online, insurance companies have less overhead because the policy is "paperless" and all the savings will be transfered to you. Compare auto insurance quotes online. Some websites offer one simple process for quotes from multiple well known auto insurance companies and you can even buy the policy online. One such website is There you can compare quotes from top carriers and buy auto insurance online if you like. Be sure to stop and get a quick quote and keep in mind the above 15 insider's secrets that I just revealed. Since I took the time to write this detailed article, return the favor by getting a quick quote from my website listed above, actually I will be doing you another favor by saving you tons of money on your auto insurance.Sincerely, Cesar Diaz, agent and broker
Often overlooked car insurance coverage
Often overlooked car insurance coverage.
In todays busy world, it is hard to look into all types of car insurance coverage. Consumers often buy car insurance with the minimum state requirements without looking into other important insurance coverage. One often overlooked car insurance coverage is Uninsured Motorist Coverage. Although it is a very useful insurance coverage, it is often waived by consumers due to overlooking the importance of the coverage.
Uninsured motorist coverage was conceived as a partial solution to the problem created by drivers who would not or could not obtain liability insurance. Uninsured motorist (UM) coverage benefits those who are covered by a Personal Auto Insurance Policy under which the insured has purchased UM coverage. It does not benefit the uninsured motorist who is responsible for an accident.
Say you were driving along one sunny day, obeying all the speed limits and road signs and out of nowhere, a vehicle strikes you. If you only had liability auto insurance and the other motorist was not insured, your coverage would not assist you in any way. You would have to seek indemnity for your medical injuries and your property damage (your vehicle) through other means.
In some states Uninsured motorist coverage will protect the insured for bodily injury and for property damage in case damages were caused by an uninsured motorist; however, some states offer uninsured motorist for bodily injury only.
Don't overlook this important car insurance coverage. It can be fairly inexpensive and very helpful in case of a loss caused by an uninsured driver. If you reside within the United States, you can use the following link to obtain an online auto insurance quote. Don't forget to quote Uninsured Motorist coverage as well !
Quality Car Insurance at an Affordable Rate
Quality Car Insurance at an Affordable Rate
Finding quality car insurance at an affordable rate is the most important factor when searching the right car insurance company. Many car insurance companies will offer quality car insurance without offering an affordable rate but the key is finding an affordable car insurance rate without having to sacrifice quality. Of course we all want the quality service we deserve when we're paying a premium for it. We are all responsible for making our insurance premium payments on time and expect a car insurance company to take responsibility when its their turn to offer quality service responding to our claims. After all, many of us pay car insurance rates for many years without ever filing a car insurance claim, although as an insurance broker, I have witnessed many consumers purchase car insurance and file a claim within the first 30 days.
One common myth is that if a car insurance company offers affordable auto insurance, they will not offer quality service. As an insurance agent I can confirm that myth as being false, or as the myth busters would say, Busted! I have had consumers request a low quality car insurance company because they stated they couldn't afford a quality car insurance company. I, of course, took the pleasure in quoting his car insurance through multiple quality car insurance companies that I work with such as Infinity Insurance Company and Progressive Insurance Company and he was more than delighted to hear their affordable rates.
There are two common categories when it comes to car insurance companies:
Standard - A car insurance company specializing and providing affordable rates for drivers with one or no violations on their driving record.
Non-Standard - A car insurance company targeting drivers with violations on their driving records and providing competitive rates to make insurance affordable.
You as a driver will fall into one of these categories depending on your driving record. Either way, you should keep the most important factors in mind, quality car insurance at an affordable rate. Whether you have violations or not, you shouldn't compromise price or quality. Many car insurance companies can still offer you an affordable rate with quality service. One such car insurance company that comes to mind is Western United Insurance Company that offers affordable rates to drivers with violations on their driving record. Western United is an affiliated company of AAA Insurance Company which is among the largest insurance companies in California.
It is important to shop around and compare multiple car insurance rates to ensure an affordable rate. Many websites out there offer the ability to shop for car insurance from multiple insurance companies all with one simple process and the ability to buy affordable car insurance online.
One such website is which allows you to find a quality car insurance company with an affordable rate. Compare auto insurance online from Progressive, AIG, Infinity, GMAC and more quality companies all with one simple process.
Why purchase auto insurance coverage?
Why purchase auto insurance coverage?
Auto insurance cannot prevent automobile accidents from happening, but it can help offset some of the financial loss or burden that might result from an accident. Various coverages are designed to protect an insured's investment in the value of owned automobiles, to pay medical expenses when injury occurs, and to cover an insured's legal liability to others who may suffer injury or damages. This does not mean that all possible expenses or losses will be covered.
Limits of insurance apply to insurance coverages, and each insurance policy has exclusions and limitations. Auto insurance is designed to reduce many of the financial losses that could otherwise result from owning or operating an automobile. Without insurance, a person would have to bear the entire cost when accidental injuries or damages occur.
Having auto insurance can also help protect you in case of a non-fault accident. There is coverage designed to protect against uninsured drivers in case of an accident. This coverage is called Uninsured Motorist coverage. This coverage can protect yourself and your passengers as well as your vehicle in case you were to be struck by an uninsured motorist. Like other coverages, there is limitations to this coverage.
Feel free to quote this coverage as well as other auto insurance coverage as it is relatively inexpensive. You may obtain a free online auto insurance quote by simply clicking on the link, or by visiting
Posted by onlineautoinsurance
Online Auto Insurance Facts
Online Auto Insurance Facts
Over the past few years, shopping for auto insurance online has increasingly become more popular by United States consumers. More and more people are finding the convenience of comparing rates instantly from multiple auto insurance carriers. As the internet becomes more popular and the online consumers mature, the number of people shopping online is said to exceed the number of people shopping by phone or in person in the near future.Since 2005, an estimated 70 million auto insurance quotes have been given online, but until recently, people are finding the confidence and security to not only receive quotes online, but to purchase the auto insurance policy online.In the first few months of 2007, the statistics show a major increase in consumer online shopping. Just in the first quarter, there has been an increase of 27% in the number of auto insurance quotes obtained online; Furthermore, since 2006, there has been an estimated 45% increase in the insurance policies purchase online. Consumers are increasingly becoming more comfortable making financial purchases online.Auto insurance companies are racing to bring their products online due to the adoption of the internet. Since the explosion of the internet, there has been insurance companies evolved from the huge number of online consumers.Auto insurance companies encourage consumers to purchase insurance online since the overhead expenses of issuing an insurance policy online is less than the traditional method, insurance companies can extend the savings to the consumer.One such website is which offers online auto insurance quotes instantly. You can compare rates from up to 10 different "quality" insurance companies such as Progressive, Infinity, AIG and more.Feel free to join the millions of people shopping online and take advantage of the savings.
Posted by onlineautoinsurance
Insurance Agent Reveals His Secrets to Huge Savings on Auto Insurance
Insurance Agent Reveals His Secrets to Huge Savings on Auto Insurance
Hi Folks, my name is Cesar Diaz, I am an auto insurance broker in the state of California. I Operate two auto insurance agencies in California and an auto insurance website serving all United States. I have many years of experience as an auto insurance agent and broker and through the years, I have figured out all ways to save money on your auto insurance. I have decided to share my secrets to saving money on your auto insurance because I don't believe that it's fair for people to pay more money for their auto insurance just because they don't know that they're eligible for a certain discount or maybe because they don't know a certain discount even exists!I hope I don't get in trouble for sharing all my secrets but I feel it's only fair. (Maybe not for insurance companies but for the general public.) Insurance companies have enough money anyway! I believe insurance companies are among the wealthiest companies in the world. Why do you think that is? Thats because they rake in those expensive premiums that you pay for your auto insurance.Well, here are my secrets revealed; You might want to take some notes or even print this out that way the next time you obtain an auto insurance quote, you can reference this article and make sure you get all your available discounts.First of all, most companies will ask for basic information for the purpose of obtaining your auto insurance quote such as name, gender, date of birth, marital status, zip code, whether you have current or prior auto insurance, how long have you been licensed (driving experience), driving record history (tickets and accidents), commute distance to work and annual mileage, occupation and type of use (personal or commercial), make and model of vehicle, alarms and equipment on vehicle, and coverage desired.
When people obtain auto insurance quotes, they just answer the questions being asked by the representatives, but have no idea why the questions are being asked. What does being single or married have to do with getting an auto insurance quote? Well, all questions being asked will affect your rate. I am going to explain why all those questions effect your rate and I am going to tell you what answers will give you the best rate.I am simply going to tell you what answers will give you the best rates; however, I do not suggest giving false information when obtaining a quote. It is important to give accurate answers but at the same time, it is important to know what answers will give you the best rates because if you don't currently fall into the "low rate" categories, you might in the future and since you know, you will want to contact your insurance company to inform them of any changes that will help you save money.I am going to go step by step explaining each question asked by insurance agents and I will explain what answers give lowest rates.1. Gender- Most insurance companies offer cheaper rates for females due to statistics. Less accidents have resulted from females vs males. Could it be because most of the time, if a couple is in a vehicle, the male will usually drive? Could it be because a housewife will not have the usual commute a husband would have driving back and forth to work every day?2. Date of Birth- Roughly, the early ages will generate a higher cost for insurance. Rates will lower as a driver matures; however, rates increase again as a driver reaches the later years such as 60's and up.
3. Marital Status- Generally, a married driver will have a cheaper rate than a single driver. This, again, is due to statistics. Single drivers have a higher loss percentage. Could this be because a married couple have drive less than a single, more active driver? Some insurance companies will allow you to receive the married rate if you live with your "significant other" under common law marriage or they may give you the married rate if you are a single parent. Be sure to ask if you fall under any other the above categories. If you purchase your policy when you are single and get married midterm, be sure to contact your insurance company to get your "married rate".4. Zip Code- Zip codes do affect your rates. This again is based on statistics of a particular city. Some cities may be congested with traffic and may have more accidents than others. Some cities may have more theft than others, ect. In general, the more a city is congested, the higher the rates are.5. Current or Prior Insurance- Some insurance companies will give you a discount if you have current insurance or have had an insurance policy recently cancel within the past 30 days. If you have had an insurance policy within the last 30 days, be sure to inform your insurance agent because most agents will not ask you unless you tell them.6. Driving Experience- The length of time you have been licensed is an important factor in determining a rate. There longer you've had your license, the cheaper your rate. If you have had a license in another state, be sure to include that in your driving experience. Even if you were licensed in another country, it can be used to add to your driving experience although proof may be required.7. Tickets and Accidents- Of course tickets and accidents affect your rate; however, tickets will not affect you until the violation is published on your driving record. Usually not until you go to traffic court or pay your violation. If you purchase your insurance policy before you go to court or pay your violation, it may not affect your rate until you renew your policy. (usually one year) As far as accidents go, there are three ways to rate an accident: At fault with injury, at fault with no injury, and not at fault. They all produce different rates in the order listed from highest to cheapest. If you were at fault, but there was less that $750.00 of damage, you may be able to list it as non-fault so be sure to let them know.10. Commute distance to work and annual mileage- There farther you drive to work, the more expensive your auto insurance may be. If you carpool or use alternative methods of commuting to work such as a work vehicle or you take a bus, be sure to inform your agent because this will help lower your rates.11. Occupation and vehicle use- Occupation will affect your rate. Some occupations are even unacceptable by insurance companies. One such occupation is pizza delivery. Since most pizza delivery drivers are on a time restraint, insurance companies see it as a high risk occupation and will decline coverage. Some occupations will be acceptable but may classify your vehicle use as "commercial" or "artesian" use which will generate a high premium. One example is a real estate agent. A real estate agent drives during work vs. a machine operator stays in one location during work and is less exposed to an accident. An example of artesian use is an electrician using his vehicle to drive to work locations. Again, the electrician is using the vehicle during work and is more exposed to an accident. If you fall under the above categories but drive a company vehicle, you may be exempt from the extra cost of falling into those categories. On the good side, some auto insurance companies may give discounts for drivers with college degrees or if you are a student with a "B" or higher average you may qualify for a good student discount.12. Make and Model of Vehicle- Some vehicle are generally expensive to insure. One such vehicle is a Ford Mustang. Although it is fairly inexpensive to purchase, it can be expensive to insure due to its "sports" performance. It is a good idea to quote a vehicle for insurance before purchasing it as I have seen people have to return their vehicles because after purchasing the vehicle, they couldn't afford the auto insurance. Four door vehicle are usually a bit cheaper to insure than two door vehicles. Usually 4wd vehicle can be higher to insure vs. 2wd vehicles. High end vehicles such as BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Jaguar of course can be more expensive to insure than your average vehicle. Bottom line, quote the auto insurance before buying the vehicle.13. Alarms and Equipment- Auto insurance companies may offer discounts for vehicles with low jack or alarm systems. If your vehicle has one, be sure to let your agent know. Some companies will offer discounts for airbags and other safety features as well. 14. Other- There are other discounts that you can take advantage of. If you have more than one vehicle, be sure to insure them all on one policy to get your "multi-car" discount which can be 20% or more. If you are a home owner, some insurance companies can offer "home owner" discounts. If you have taken a driver's safety course you may be eligible for a discount as well. Also if you keep your vehicle parked in a locked garage over night, be sure to ask if you can get a discount.15. Online Auto Insurance- Many insurance companies offer Online Auto Insurance which can be less expensive than your traditional auto insurance policy purchased in an office location. This is because if you buy auto insurance online, insurance companies have less overhead because the policy is "paperless" and all the savings will be transfered to you. Compare auto insurance quotes online. Some websites offer one simple process for quotes from multiple well known auto insurance companies and you can even buy the policy online. One such website is There you can compare quotes from top carriers and buy auto insurance online if you like. Be sure to stop and get a quick quote and keep in mind the above 15 insider's secrets that I just revealed. Since I took the time to write this detailed article, return the favor by getting a quick quote from my website listed above, actually I will be doing you another favor by saving you tons of money on your auto insurance.Sincerely,
Cesar Diaz, agent and broker
Buying Car Insurance Online vs. Buying in Person
In the old days we didn’t have the privilege of buying car insurance online. Now, thanks to the internet, we can simply go online and compare auto insurance rates instantly from multiple companies and even buy auto insurance online and receive instant proof.
The traditional method of buying auto insurance in person does come with its benefits. For example, having a licensed auto insurance agent in front of you allows you to ask as many questions as you wish and receive immediate answers. Having a licensed agent assist you can also help personalize your auto insurance coverage based on your assets and needs. A recent survey of 1,000 American consumers commissioned by IBM reported that 75% of consumers prefer to talk to an insurance agent personally and remain committed to working with them in the future.
Of course there are also negatives that come with buying auto insurance in person. One example would be driving to an office location in order to buy auto insurance, which wastes time and money. Another negative would be the fact that you wouldn’t have the convenience of shopping and comparing multiple companies online and you would not have immediate access to manage your auto insurance policy from your personal computer. You would also be limited to the hours of operation of the particular insurance office.
In the other hand, buying car insurance online offers the convenience of purchasing your insurance policy right from the comfort of your computer. Another benefit is the fact that you can compare quotes from multiple insurance companies immediately. Statistics show that buying car insurance online, on average, is cheaper than buying auto insurance the traditional method. Many companies offer discounts if you buy online because the insurance company’s costs of issuing the policy is less and the savings can be transferred to you.
In conclusion, the best way of buying auto insurance would be to have the right combination of personalized insurance agent service along with the benefits of being able to shop for car insurance online to save time and money and to have the ability to manage your auto insurance policy online and be able to speak to an insurance agent if needed.
There are a few auto insurance agents that have expanded online and offer personalized service by a licensed agent along with the convenience of comparing and buying car insurance online. One such website is where you can compare rates from top companies such as Progressive, AIG, GMAC, Infinity and more, all with one simple process. You can even buy auto insurance online and receive instant proof.
Car Insurance Online - The Future is Here
In the old days, in order to shop for car insurance we would have to pick up a phone book and decide which car insurance company to call first out of the dozens of advertised companies. It was very time consuming and frustrating having to call several car insurance companies just to find competitive rates.
Aside from the time consuming phone calls, we’ve all had to deal with misleading salesmen on the phone that care more about their commission than about your car insurance needs. We’re all familiar with the old bait and hook trick that salesmen can pull off by giving you wonderful information over the phone to get you into their office, then totally changing the good news to bad news when you arrive.
Thanks to current technologies, we are now able to shop for car insurance online instantly without having to deal with annoying salesmen and time consuming phone calls. All consumers are looking for the same thing when it comes to finding the right car insurance company; a company that can provide cheap auto insurance and also provide the deserved service when needed.
With the internet, consumers are finding what they need in a fraction of the time. Car insurance companies are beginning to evolve from the traditional office location providing car insurance rates by phone, to technology driven, web-based companies allowing users to shop for car insurance online.
Some websites offer the convenience of shopping for car insurance online from multiple top quality car insurance companies all with one simple process. One such website is which allows you to compare rates from companies such as Progressive, AIG, GMAC, Esurance, Infinity and many more. You can even buy car insurance online and receive instant proof of insurance.
Shopping for car insurance online not only carries the benefits of saving time and money, but also comes with the benefits of allowing users to purchase car insurance online. Purchasing car insurance online can be beneficial in many ways including having the convenience of being able to manage your car insurance online including making payments, making changes, and even filing car insurance claims online.
Statistics show the percentage of consumers shopping for car insurance online have increased tremendously year after year and will continue to grow in popularity as consumers discover the convenience of shopping for car insurance online.
Friday, August 3, 2007
How to Shop for Car Insurance
By Philip Reed, Senior Consumer Advice Editor
The word shopping brings a feeling of immediate excitement to most people. But if you combine the word shopping with car insurance — as in "shopping for car insurance" — it produces the opposite effect. The thought of shopping for auto insurance makes the eyes glaze over and the heart rate drop to the pace of a slumbering couch potato. Couch potato? Indeed. Doug Heller, a consumer advocate at The Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights (a California-based consumer advocacy group) and a recognized insurance issues specialist, told us that too often "people purchase insurance by calling the number on the screen." But wait, this is important stuff! You want to be adequately covered if you get in an accident. And you certainly don't want to pay more for car insurance than you should. Maybe waiting for a solution to be beamed into your living room is not the best idea. How can you stay awake while navigating through this murky subject? Just remember: There is money to be saved. How much? Hundreds, even thousands, per year. For example, one of the authors typed all of his insurance information into a comparative insurance service. The quotes (for very basic coverage on two old cars) ranged from $1,006 to $1,807 — a difference of $801 a year. If you're currently dumping thousands into your insurance company's coffers because of a couple of tickets, an accident or a questionable credit rating, shopping your policy against others may be well worth the effort. Look at it this way — you can convert the money you save into the purchase of something you've lusted after for a long time. Hold that goal in your mind. Now, let's begin. Before you can shop for something, you have to decide what you need. The first step in finding the right auto insurance for you is to figure out the amount of coverage you need. This varies from state to state. So take a moment to find out what coverage is required where you live. Make a list of the different types of coverage and then return for the next step. (You will find a list of each state's requirements and an explanation of the various types of insurance in "How Much Auto Insurance Do You Really Need?". Also, check out "Little-Known But Important Insurance Issues" as it has a glossary of basic insurance terminology.) Now that you know what is required, you can decide what — if anything — you need in addition to that. Some people are quite cautious. They base their lives on worst-case scenarios. Insurance companies love these people. That's because insurance companies know what your chances are of being killed or maimed, and how likely it is for your car to be damaged or stolen. The information the insurance company has collected over previous decades is crunched into "actuarial tables" that give insurance adjustors a quick look at the probability of just about any occurrence. It is important to keep in mind that the basis of insurance is a difference of opinion between you (the insured) and them (the insurance company). You believe you will, at some point, probably get in an auto accident. The car insurance company believes you probably won't. And the insurance company is willing to take your money to prove you wrong. So how much auto insurance should you buy beyond your state's minimums? "Look at your personal financial situation," Dennis Howard, director of the Insurance Consumer Advocate Network (I-CAN) and former insurance adjuster, advised. "If you have assets to protect — and that is all insurance is doing — get enough liability coverage." For instance, if you purchase $50,000 of bodily injury liability coverage but have $100,000 in assets, attorneys could go after your treasures in the event of an accident in which you're at-fault and the other party's medical bills exceed $50,000.Howard noted that his general recommendation for liability limits are $50,000 bodily injury liability for one person injured in an accident, $100,000 for all people injured in an accident and $25,000 property damage liability (that is, 50/100/25) given that half of the cars on the road are worth more than $20,000. Here again, though, let your financial situation be your guide. If you have no assets, don't buy excess coverage. Another issue Howard mentioned is that the limits of any uninsured and/or underinsured motorist coverage that you purchase cannot exceed the limits of your liability coverage. Such coverage, he said, can be valuable, as it will cover lost income if you're out of work for several months after being injured in a major accident. Your driving habits may also be a consideration. If your past is filled with crumpled fenders, if you have a lead foot or a long commute on a treacherous winding road, then you should get more comprehensive coverage. "Consumers should also be aware that they don't have to buy the package [of collision and comprehensive coverage]," Howard said. "If your vehicle is older, if you have a good driving record and if there is a low likelihood that it would be totaled in an accident, but a high likelihood of it being stolen, you could buy comprehensive but not collision." Seems like good advice for all of the 1989 Toyota Camry owners reading this article — this has been the most stolen car in the nation for several years (it's often stolen for parts). But we would expect that most of them on the road have well over 100,000 miles. At this time, a rather sobering point needs to be interjected. Just having car insurance doesn't protect you from absolutely anything bad that might happen. First, the insurance company needs to back up the claims that they make in the fine details of the contract. TV ads show folksy adjustors at the scenes of natural disasters passing out claims checks like coupons for cocktail wieners at a supermarket. But, in case you haven't noticed, real life is a bit different from TV ads. If you have an accident, your car insurance company will take a close look at your claim before mailing you a check. And the check may be written for an amount much smaller than you had hoped. For this reason, you should be intimately familiar with the terms of your policy and call the company with any questions you might have. Now that you have made several practical and philosophical decisions, it's time to start shopping. Begin by setting aside about an hour for this task. Bring all your records — your current insurance policy, your driver license number and your vehicle registration. Drink plenty of coffee. Have a phone at your elbow. And, of course, power up your computer. Begin with the online services. If you go to or other insurance quote sites, you can type in your information and get a list of comparative quotes. The form takes about 15 minutes to complete. If this bores you, just remind yourself that you are saving money and you can use that money to buy something nice for yourself. If the entire shopping process takes you two hours to complete, and you save $800, you're effectively earning $400 an hour. A few things to keep in mind: (1) When you use quote sites, you may not get instant insurance quotes. Some companies may contact you later by e-mail, and some that are not "direct providers" may put you in touch with a local agent, who will then calculate a quote for you. (A "direct provider," like Geico, sells an insurance policy to you directly; other companies like State Farm sell insurance through local agents. We'll discuss the pros and cons of each later.) (2) It's not easy to get quotes from these sites in all states — if you live in New Jersey, for instance, you'll probably find it faster to pick up the phone, since most insurers currently don't provide online quotes for this state. You can also try getting insurance quotes from some of the insurance companies listed on the Web site — Esurance, Geico, or Progressive. The forms will take about 10 minutes each to complete. Of course, there are many other insurers that you can contact online. But remember, while you're researching companies, make notes in a separate computer file or on a piece of paper divided into categories. This will keep you from duplicating your efforts. When you visit the different online insurance sites you should take note of several things:
Annual and monthly rates for the different types of coverage — make sure to keep the coverage limits the same so that you can make "apples-to-apples" comparisons
An 800 number to call for questions you can't get answered online
The insurance company's payment policy (When is your payment due? What happens if you're late in making a payment?)
Discounts offered by the insurance company that pertain to you
The insurance company's consumer complaint ratio from your state's department of insurance Web site (more on this below)
The insurance company's A.M. Best and Standard & Poor's ratings (more on this below) Once you have exhausted your online options, it's time to work the phones. Those companies you haven't been able to get an online quote from should be contacted. Surprisingly, doing this process verbally can actually go faster than the online counterpart, providing you have all the information regarding your driver license and vehicle registration close at hand. When you get a quote, be sure to confirm the price. Also, ask them to fax or e-mail the quote to you as a record. While talking to the insurance companies' telephone salespeople, make sure you explore all options relating to discounts. Insurance companies give discounts for a good driving record, favorable credit score, safety equipment (for example, antilock brakes), certain occupations or professional affiliations, and more. For more guidance in this area, check out "How to Save Money on Auto Insurance."Always bear in mind that your mission isn't just to buy the cheapest car insurance out there; it is to buy the cheapest insurance and still receive adequate coverage and service. "You don't want to pay to get a great deal on insurance and then not get your car repaired after an accident," Heller noted.
Your final selection should depend on two things:a. the reliability of the insurance company based on the criteria above;b. the price of the quote. We can all find the lowest premium, but it may not be immediately obvious how to determine whether a company is reliable. When we say "reliable," we're talking about how the insurer treats you, the customer. Particularly, how will the company deal with you when you file a claim? Will you be paid the full amount to which you are entitled? And will you be paid promptly? While there are never any guarantees, we've come up with several ways of seeking out the most reliable insurance companies:
1. Visit your state's department of insurance Web site. Although you may not be familiar with it due to lack of marketing, your state, and every state, has a department of insurance. Most departments have Web sites, and many publish "consumer complaint ratios" for all of the insurance companies that sell policies in their state. This ratio tells you how many complaints an insurance company received per 1,000 claims. All of the experts we interviewed recommended that consumers use complaint ratios as a resource before making a decision. "Just because they're a big name doesn't mean that they'll be a 'good neighbor' or that you'll be 'in their hands,'" Heller noted. If you can't get complaint ratios for your state, he said that you can often get a good idea of how a company treats its customers by comparing the complaint ratios published by other states (this obviously shouldn't be the only deciding factor since a single insurance company often varies significantly from state to state — consistently favorable or unfavorable ratios may be revealing, though). Another consideration: "High-risk insurers come out the worst [in the consumer complaint ratios]," said Brian Sullivan, a recognized insurance expert and editor of Auto Insurance Report, a weekly insurance industry publication. "Whenever you have a really big claim, it's more complicated.... And these companies tend to insure people who get into big accidents." Regardless, a high number of complaints should give you pause, even if the company is financially appealing. Similarly, be sure to jot down those companies with favorable ratios. Howard's Web site provides links and contact information for every state's department of insurance. Additionally, the department of insurance sites often provide basic rate comparison surveys. These can give you a rough idea of which insurers might interest you on a financial basis without the hassle of typing in all your personal information (as you must when you use one of the quote sites described above). This may be particularly useful if you're going to use the phone, rather than the Web, to shop.2. Find out which companies body shops would recommend. Howard offered another idea that you may never have considered: "Contact the local body shops of dealerships or others that you trust. See which companies they would recommend." You can compare the consumer complaint ratios with what the body shop managers say. Clearly, this kind of research is more time-consuming than simply finding the lowest premium rate, but if you have a claim, you want to make sure that your vehicle is repaired correctly and completely with minimal hassle and that OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts are used. Howard, who is involved in an effort to create guidelines for the use of aftermarket parts, said that consumers should avoid them for the time being. "Right now, these parts are so incredibly inferior. Body shop managers will tell you which insurers are pushing aftermarket parts." A March 12, 2001, I-CAN press release explains the protections consumers currently have in each state — it's rather fortuitous to live in Minnesota, the only state that prohibits insurers from requiring the use of aftermarket parts. 3. Consider working with an insurance agent. It used to be that everyone purchased their auto insurance from an agent, but now, companies like Amica, Esurance, Geico and others allow you to purchase insurance directly — over the phone from a customer service representative or online. Still, many of the major players have preserved their national networks of local agents — even if you use State Farm's or Allstate's Web site, you will still be assigned a local agent. Before we delve further, you should be aware there are two kinds of agents: (1) the captive agent who represents only one insurance company (AAA, Allstate, State Farm, and the like); and (2) the independent agent, also known as a broker, who represents several insurance companies (for example, Erie and Progressive are both sold through independent agents) and therefore does not have a vested interest in selling you a policy from one particular company. Experts say that consumers who sign on with agents generally have an advantage during the claims process. "The agent has a vested interest in you being happy," Sullivan said. "The claims representative has a general desire to keep you happy, but it's not the same." Further, an agent can become familiar with your situation and guide you toward a suitable policy, Howard said. "Don't rule out direct providers, but my personal preference is to have an agent, preferably an independent agent, write your policy for you.... An independent agent would become aware of less advantageous conditions with one company [and help you move to another]. You can change carriers without changing your agent. I encourage consumers to develop a relationship with their agent." The prospect of good working relations with an agent may help you to make a decision: When Heller purchased auto insurance for the first time, two insurers gave him similar quotes but he went for the slightly higher one because the agent had been highly recommended by a friend. "You shouldn't go direct without always checking out other options," he said. "[...But] never feel pressured by a broker or an agent. Take the time to talk with an agent or a broker as well as do your online research. You may not need an agent — you may find a better deal with a company that operates direct." Independent agents may charge a fee for their services, but you may be able to negotiate. You should agree upon any fee in writing before making a purchase. Look for agents who are certified by Independent Insurance Agents of America (Big "I") or PIA (Professional Insurance Agents). 4. Check out the financial strength ratings for the companies that interest you. Refer to the A.M. Best and Standard & Poor's ratings. Both companies publish financial strength ratings for all insurance companies — these "measure" an insurance company's ability to pay out a claim. The A.M. Best rating is expressed as a letter grade from A++ (the highest) to D. Some companies may be assigned ratings of E (indicating regulatory action regarding the company's solvency), F (in liquidation) and S (suspended). In any case, you should only work with companies that have at least a B+ rating. The Standard & Poor's ratings range from AAA (the highest) to CC. Additionally, some companies receive ratings of R (under regulatory supervision) and NR, which means 'not rated'. The letter grades might be modified by a + or - mark. Consider only those companies that have at least a BBB rating. Insurance companies often provide this information on their Web sites, but if not, you can run a search at the A.M. Best and Standard & Poor's sites. Keep in mind that these ratings have nothing to do with the way an insurance company treats its customers. 5. Skim J.D. Power and Associates' auto insurance ratings.Another basic resource is J.D. Power and Associates' auto insurance ratings. Two of the top insurers in the study, Amica and Erie, are also companies that Howard recommends: "Erie is sold by independent agents, who are very knowledgeable about the product. I like their claims handling approach. Almost all other companies look at a claim and find a way to not pay it. Erie and Amica will look at it and try to find a way to cover it."6. Don't assume that affinity programs have your best interests at heart. Sometimes auto insurers will team up with an auto manufacturer, union, trade association, or other entity to offer a select group of people insurance policies at a discounted rate — this is known as an "affinity program." For instance, Ford owners can get a special rate through The Hartford. Don't assume that such an insurance company will provide superior customer service — research these as rigorously as you would an unaffiliated company. "You do get a bit of a premium break, but I would still say go to consumer complaint ratios at your state's department of insurance Web site," Howard advised. "It has been my experience that insurance companies that enter into third-party mass-marketing programs are lacking when it comes to service." 7. If insurers won't treat you right, contact your legislators. It's not always easy to find affordable, reliable car insurance, particularly if you don't make a lot of money and live in an urban area. Your state's legislators, of course, are the people who require you to purchase insurance in the first place (unless you live in New Hampshire, Tennessee or Wisconsin). Contact these officials if you can't find a policy that you can afford or if your current insurer has treated you unfairly during the claims process. "Particularly for low-income consumers," Heller noted, "auto insurance is too expensive relative to their income to even think about.... We urge motorists to get some coverage but also to let their elected officials know that they're having trouble finding affordable insurance." Heller was the leading advocate behind the implementation of the Lifeline Auto Insurance Plan, a pilot program in California that makes affordable auto insurance available to low-income residents of Los Angeles and San Francisco counties (areas that typically have astronomical insurance rates) with good driving records. The program was possible only because "low-income motorists let lawmakers know that 80 percent of the people in their neighborhood were uninsured," he said. So, you've done your research, and you've decided on a company. Before you sign, though, read the policy. In addition to verifying that it contains the coverage you want, there are two clauses that you should look for in the contract:
1. Retain your right to sue."Find out if you are giving up your right to go to court and will be forced into arbitration if there is a disagreement [between you and the insurance company]," Heller advised. "You're much better off if you don't give up this right.... It makes it easier for [insurers] to take advantage of you." If you find a clause to this effect, all isn't necessarily lost. "At least in theory, a contract is a mutual agreement, so you should be able to cross out that line in the policy," Heller said. If the company won't agree to the policy sans clause, then you should probably take your business elsewhere. 2. Avoid aftermarket parts requirements. "If an insurance company has written in the policy that 'new factory', 'like kind and quality', or 'aftermarket parts' [may be used for body shop repairs], ...go on to the next company," Howard said. If you own a relatively new car that you plan to keep for a while, you will probably be much happier if you spend a little more time researching companies on the front end rather than try to fight the company when you have a claim.After you lock in the insurance policy you want with the company you select, you have two more things to do. The first is to cancel coverage with your existing insurance company. Second, if your state requires you to carry proof of insurance, make sure you either have it in your wallet or the glove compartment of your car (some experts discourage this, however — if your car is stolen, the thief has everything he needs to prove the vehicle is his). Now, there's one last thing to do: reward yourself for saving so much money on your car insurance. Now it's time to go shopping — real shopping.