Online Auto Insurance Facts
Over the past few years, shopping for auto insurance online has increasingly become more popular by United States consumers. More and more people are finding the convenience of comparing rates instantly from multiple auto insurance carriers. As the internet becomes more popular and the online consumers mature, the number of people shopping online is said to exceed the number of people shopping by phone or in person in the near future.Since 2005, an estimated 70 million auto insurance quotes have been given online, but until recently, people are finding the confidence and security to not only receive quotes online, but to purchase the auto insurance policy online.In the first few months of 2007, the statistics show a major increase in consumer online shopping. Just in the first quarter, there has been an increase of 27% in the number of auto insurance quotes obtained online; Furthermore, since 2006, there has been an estimated 45% increase in the insurance policies purchase online. Consumers are increasingly becoming more comfortable making financial purchases online.Auto insurance companies are racing to bring their products online due to the adoption of the internet. Since the explosion of the internet, there has been insurance companies evolved from the huge number of online consumers.Auto insurance companies encourage consumers to purchase insurance online since the overhead expenses of issuing an insurance policy online is less than the traditional method, insurance companies can extend the savings to the consumer.One such website is which offers online auto insurance quotes instantly. You can compare rates from up to 10 different "quality" insurance companies such as Progressive, Infinity, AIG and more.Feel free to join the millions of people shopping online and take advantage of the savings.
Posted by onlineautoinsurance
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