Monday, August 20, 2007

Often overlooked car insurance coverage

Often overlooked car insurance coverage

Often overlooked car insurance coverage.
In todays busy world, it is hard to look into all types of car insurance coverage. Consumers often buy car insurance with the minimum state requirements without looking into other important insurance coverage. One often overlooked car insurance coverage is Uninsured Motorist Coverage. Although it is a very useful insurance coverage, it is often waived by consumers due to overlooking the importance of the coverage.
Uninsured motorist coverage was conceived as a partial solution to the problem created by drivers who would not or could not obtain liability insurance. Uninsured motorist (UM) coverage benefits those who are covered by a Personal Auto Insurance Policy under which the insured has purchased UM coverage. It does not benefit the uninsured motorist who is responsible for an accident.
Say you were driving along one sunny day, obeying all the speed limits and road signs and out of nowhere, a vehicle strikes you. If you only had liability auto insurance and the other motorist was not insured, your coverage would not assist you in any way. You would have to seek indemnity for your medical injuries and your property damage (your vehicle) through other means.
In some states Uninsured motorist coverage will protect the insured for bodily injury and for property damage in case damages were caused by an uninsured motorist; however, some states offer uninsured motorist for bodily injury only.
Don't overlook this important car insurance coverage. It can be fairly inexpensive and very helpful in case of a loss caused by an uninsured driver. If you reside within the United States, you can use the following link to obtain an online auto insurance quote. Don't forget to quote Uninsured Motorist coverage as well !

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